Simmons Equipment Company provides a vast array of repair and rebuild options for your mining equipment, from scoops to coal haulers. Here is a representative description of the comprehensive rebuild process:
- Complete Tear Down – We completely disassemble the machine down to each individual component and organize.
- Send Frame to Sandblast – All frame components are sandblasted in order to effectively evaluate the frame components and diagnose any needed repairs and ensures a better finish on the paint.
- Make Frame Repairs – The frame components are repaired to OEM specifications. Any customer requested upgrades are performed (such as upgraded center section or battery changing system)
- Electrical Repairs – All electrical enclosures are sandblasted and machined to meet MSHA specifications. We install new wiring, cable, and conduit. Electrical components including motors, circuit breaker, etc are repaired to OEM specifications
- Hydraulic Repairs – All hydraulic components (cylinders, valve bank, etc) are rebuilt to OEM specifications. New hosing, fittings, and filters are used.
- Mechanical Repairs – All mechanical components (gearboxes, axles, etc) are rebuilt to OEM specifications. All bearings, bushings, and pins are replaced with new.
- Final Assembly – The machine is assembled as sub-assemblies are integrated. Typically, mechanical components such as the drive train are installed first, followed by hydraulics and hosing, followed by electrical enclosures and motors being connected/terminated. Any remaining frame components, such as battery changers and buckets are then attached.
- Startup & Testing – Upon completion of the assembly, the machine is then goes through startup procedures. Once the machine properly starts, the machine is tested for several hours. A detailed test checklist is completed to ensure that the machine performs properly in all regards. That checklist is then filed in the customer’s records.
- Customer Inspection – Simmons welcomes mine involvement during the rebuild process. This includes final inspection and approval by mine personnel.
- Final Paint – Upon final testing and any customer inspection, the machine is given final paint and appropriate decals are applied. The machine is then ready for shipment.
For custom manufacturing requests, no one is more qualified than Simmons Equipment Company. We utilize the latest in 3-D CAD and FEA (Finite Element Analysis) technology and have the know-how and experience to best apply it.
Contact Simmons Equipment Company for your next rebuild.